{"id":3947,"date":"2012-06-25T06:00:47","date_gmt":"2012-06-25T13:00:47","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/iwashyoudry.com\/?p=3947"},"modified":"2020-10-06T11:13:01","modified_gmt":"2020-10-06T18:13:01","slug":"red-face-runners-5k-challenge","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/iwashyoudry.com\/red-face-runners-5k-challenge\/","title":{"rendered":"Red Face Runners 5K Challenge"},"content":{"rendered":"

I would like to introduce you to a little challenge I am partaking in.<\/p>\n

And I want YOU to do it with me.<\/p>\n


I have partnered up with several amazing food blogging friends to host this incredible virtual 5K challenge all across America…or maybe even the world.<\/p>\n

So let’s get active, let’s get pumped, and let’s get red in the face.<\/h1>\n

Before we get down to the details let’s talk logistics.<\/p>\n

Maybe you’re a part time runner, or maybe you aren’t there yet. Maybe when you run you feel parts of your body jiggle that you’ve never felt before. {just me??}<\/em><\/p>\n

Either way a 5K run is not that hard. It’s just barely over 3 miles, and Cindy from Once Upon a Loaf has taken the time to write a full detailed post and training schedule for us. Plus she gave us 10 great tips to always keep in mind:<\/p>\n

1. Believe in the run.
\n2. Believe in the rest.
\n3. Respect must rule all.
\n4. Your body is your temple.
\n5. Your kitchen is your place of worship.
\n6. Equip yourself.
\n7. You run. You don’t jog.
\n8. Get after it.
\n9. Spread the love.
\n10. Have the time of your life!<\/p>\n

Cindy went into full detail on each of those bullet points over on Dara’s blog (Cookin’ Canuck), so be sure to check that out. It’s the perfect guide on how to train for a 5k whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned runner.<\/p>\n

I actually have quite a bit of an athletic background. I know I’ve never mentioned it on the blog before, but I used to swim competitively from the age of 8 all the way till I was 19. It all started when my little body couldn’t handle the Arizona heat and I would just get red in the face any time I wanted to play sports like softball or soccer. My parents thought to put me into swimming to get some energy out and sure enough, I was hooked.<\/p>\n

My swimming took me all the way to The University of Houston where I got the opportunity to swim and also meet The Man. {it was destiny}\u00a0<\/em><\/p>\n

After just a few years of being married, I missed swimming terribly and quickly found a new sport that I loved. Triathlons!<\/p>\n

I have tried to compete in at least one triathlon a year ever since {unless a baby or pregnancy gets in the way}.\u00a0<\/em><\/p>\n


I know that’s a small picture, but that’s the only one I could find of me. {that’s a lie, I found lots, but I looked awful in them, so yeah…} <\/em>If you look hard you can find me right in the center of all those ladies getting ready to jump in the lake. I am the one staring at the camera and smiling. {and the only one wearing a two piece bathing suit}<\/em><\/p>\n

Since I have a swimming background I love doing races that involve swimming. So instead of doing just a 5K run I am going to do a “Plunge & Run”. Which is basically a swim and then a 5K run. Here’s the kicker… it’s going to be a trail run, in the desert, and also in September. Talk about a Red Face!<\/p>\n

Let’s do this together! I need support, and in return, I will support you!<\/p>\n

Here are the details:<\/h1>\n

1. Find a 5K race near you on September 8th and sign up!<\/strong><\/p>\n

These websites can help you find one:<\/p>\n

Running In The USA<\/a>

2. Check out Dara’s blog (Cookin’ Canuck) for the post by Cindy (Once Upon a Loaf) to get your guide for training.<\/p>\n

3. Start Training!<\/p>\n

4. Let us know all about your training all along the way by tweeting and using the hashtag #RFR5K<\/p>\n

If you are an Arizonian and want to join me on September 8th, here is the link to the Plunge & Run race I am doing. It’s in Lake Havasu City, and it’s going to be awesome! It starts with an 800 meter swim followed by a 5K trail run.<\/p>\n

It’s going to be hot hot HOT, but I know we can do it, and I am excited.<\/p>\n

Like I said before, there are several other fellow foodie-friend bloggers that are hosting this challenge as well. If you’re looking for someone in your neck of the woods, or want to follow along in our running ventures, here is the list of lovely ladies!<\/p>\n